Monday, January 10, 2011

"He sees each tear that falls.. "

"He knows my name, He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, & He hears me when I call.. "

wow. what a powerful thought. and even more powerful? it's SO true. every word of it. sometimes i wonder what it would be like if i still didn't believe in such an awesome God, and i think that it'd be one hot mess. This promise that God makes to us, that He hears us, and is never leaving us.. is one of my favorite promises of His. Even when we are in the midst of trials and temptations, and when all we wanna do is give up & fall down.. He's right there, picking us up. I HATE tears.. anyone that knows me well can tell you that. But, God sees them, every single one of them, because let's face it.. no one can not cry forever.

His promises are so amazing. His love is so overwhelming. His forgiveness and grace, it's unfathomable.

He is such an amazing God.