Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm here for you, I'm not leaving

When you fall down, & mess up again..
I'm here for you, I'm not leaving.
When you fall down, My grace covers you..
I'm here for you, I'm not leaving.

There's scars from the fall, but I'll heal them all
I'll erase your mistakes, because no matter what the world tells you..
I'm here for you, I'm not leaving.
I love you My child, forgiveness is just a prayer away
The mistakes you've made have been washed away
I'm here for you, I'm not leaving.

When I look at you I see beauty and love
I've already forgotten your mistakes so you should do the same
You can now freely enter into My presence where freedom is found
I won't run away like the others have done, I'm here for you, I'm not leaving.

Though your broken, though you've fallen
I am here, through the storm, calling, telling you, I'm here for you, I'm not leaving.

So stand up stand tall, My hands are reaching down.
Stand up, stand tall, forgiveness is right where you fell.

You can stand in My presence stand in My love
Stand in My freedom and grace
You can stand again, and I promise, I'm here for you & I'm not leaving.

My hands are reaching down for you
I've had My eye on you before you were born
I saw what you would do
But still I reached my hands down towards you
I saw who you would become
But I chose you anyway
You're My beloved
My hands are reaching down
And you can stand again
You are loved My child, more than you can imagine.

And always remember when things are tough..
I'm here for you, & i'm not leaving.

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