Friday, May 28, 2010

Forgive & Forget, But Don't Forget Why Your Here.

So i was thinking about this whole story thing, and decided that i'm not going to do this the traditional way. I was never one for doing things like everyone else anyways =). I'm going to go backwards, end to beginning, finish to start. It sounds strange, I know, but it makes sense in my brain, so that's the way it's going to be.

Recently, I've been thinking about everything going on in my life. It's been a crazy journey the past four months. From leaving masters, to my families constant battles, to just figuring out who I am. This has been my biggest struggle, finding out who I am, why I am here, and just what I am supposed to be doing. I'm just putting it out there, I mean, we all struggle with something, and I'm pretty sure there comes a time in every single person's life where they have a somewhat "identity crisis." That sounds kind of intense, I know, but it's just the first thing that popped into my head. It's definitely what I was feeling. I have been in such a transition these past few months. I feel like part of me has been forced to grow up, quickly, but as I start looking back, it was time. I needed the shove in the right direction.

I'm learning to leave my past behind, and pick up at the present, and give it all I've got. Because you know what really matters, not who YOU think you are, but WHOSE you are. I've learned these past few months to let go and give it all to God. I can't control things, so why not give up control to the Creator. After all, He's the one who made the whole world and everything in it anyways, so who better to have control of Your life.

As I think things through, I think that before I can begin my real story, I have a lot of forgiving to do, not only to other people, but to myself as well. I don't think we can really begin to move forward until we learn to forgive ourselves, and our loved ones, and even the ones we have a hard time loving. I know personally I have held a whole lot of grudges against people, and have held a lot of things over people's heads recently. So here's to forgiveness, I mean, God forgave me for some pretty crazy stuff, He forgave the some of the apostles for murder, He used and forgave a prostitute, the least I can do is show this grace and forgiveness to others, and myself and move forward into the future.. Let's see what happens


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